代表性 学术 成果 |
一、发表论文 1.Jing Chen(2019). Geographical origin traceability of Fuji apples based on fisher discriminant method, International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 27(4), 330-336.(EI) 2. Huanhuan Feng,Jing Chen, Wei Zhou, Vilai Rungsardthong, Xiaoshuan Zhang(2019). Modeling and evaluation on WSN-enabled and knowledge-based HACCP quality control for frozen shellfish cold chain, Food Control, 98:348–358.(SCI) 3.陈静,蒋雅慧, 王姗(2018). 基于流通温度变化的苹果品质评价模型的构建,北方园艺,(13):174-170. 4.陈静,柳晓蓉. 物联网技术在仓储作业管理中的应用研究现状,计算机应用研究,2017. 5.Jing Chen,Yanrong Liu, Xiaorong Liu. Investigation and analysis of the imported infant food purchase behavior In the Shanghai area, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,2016. 6.Jing Chen, lixin Xu, Yue Wu, Jin Tong. Production, characterization of acetyl esterase from a rumen bacteria strain RB3, and application potential of the strain in biodegradation of crop residues,Renewable Energy,2014.(SCI) 7.Jing Chen,Li Shen, Xin Zhong.Quality control research and analysis of fruit and vegetable in Beijing supermarket, Advances in Chemical Engineering,2013. 8.Jing Chen,Jing Zhao, Yaoli Zhang. Research on the Influencing Factors of Raw Milk Quality and Control, Advanced Materials Research,2013. 9.Jing Chen, Ming-hai Quan, Li li-te. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of Chinese sufu (fermented tofu) ethanol-extract,Food Chemistry,2012.(SCI) 10. Daowei Zhou,Jing Chen.Temporal dynamics of shearing force of rice stem,Biomass and Bioenergy,2012.(SCI) 二、出版著作 1. 陈静,张小栓. 《供应链质量管理》,中国财富出版社,2018 2. 陈静,沈丽,王超. 《电子商务质量管理》,中国财富出版社,2017 3. 陈静,王超,沈丽. 《出入境商品质量检验与管理》,北京大学出版社,2017 4. 陈静,刘艳荣.《农产品流通安全与质量检测技术研究》,中国财富出版社,2012 |